CBD Oil and Constipation: Does It Help?

CBD Oil and Constipation: Does It Help?

The list of possible constipation triggers is extensive, and anyone might become a victim. Worse, there is no one treatment that works for everyone. Trying to find the finest constipation remedy may necessitate some trial and error.

Whether you’ve had constipation for a long time or are new to it, I’d like to introduce you to a new way to deal with it: CBD oil.

CBD oil has been used consistently in the treatment of conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety disorders, cancer treatment, multiple sclerosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, and for other health benefits. To know more about buy CBD oil Australia and other hemp seed oil benefits, you should book a consultation session with a professional from Chronic Therapy today.

In this post, I will discuss current studies on CBD and constipation. When it comes to purchasing CBD oil, I also provide my top five brand recommendations.

I’d ask if we should delve further into the subject, but considering the nature of the subject, this could be a mistake on my behalf.

Continue reading to find out more about CBD oil usage for constipation!

What Do We Know So Far About CBD Oil for Constipation Relief?

CBD oil can help reduce symptoms and restore your body’s balance. CBD is most known for its incredibly relaxing qualities.

The ECS receptors are “built” to counteract the fight-or-flight response by inducing relaxation and slowing down an overstimulated nervous system. They can also fight inflammation, bringing respite to people in excruciating pain.

The link between CBD and constipation is seen precisely in these three domains of CB-receptor activation. Something as basic as a stressful scenario can create digestive issues.

As CBD travels through the body, it can calm the mind and reduce physical tension. It “tells” pain signals to be at peace, much as it protects the mind against fight-or-flight responses.

CBD oil reduces inflammation and discomfort by boosting anandamide levels in the body. Anandamide, one of our bodies endocannabinoids, reduces pain and inflammation in damaged tissue.

This advantage has proven to be beneficial for patients suffering from spastic constipation as a result of Irritated Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

CBD helps us maintain adequate amounts of anandamide and makes it more available to the body by blocking an enzyme responsible for breaking it down (FAAH).

CBD oil can help relieve certain types of constipation by targeting the causes rather than just the symptoms.

Choosing the Best CBD Product for Your Constipation

CBD is available in a variety of forms. In terms of quality, I recommend conducting extensive research on both the firm of your choosing and its product portfolio.

In addition to inspecting the product label to confirm that it contains enough CBD to deliver advantages, search for the lab testing results for each batch of the product. Only then will you be able to determine whether the brand is stretching reality too far.

The right CBD product for your constipation will address the underlying problems. If you become constipated as a result of pain relievers or antidepressants, you need something that targets the problem area.

Patches, foods, tablets, and oil drops circulate to pain sites inside your body; they travel to your gut to relieve inflammation caused by IBS and other digestive diseases. Topical therapies, on the other hand, will reduce muscle pain since they affect the cannabinoid receptors under the skin.

The Digestive System and the Endocannabinoid System

Quick relief from anything is difficult to come by, but a good supplement can shift the gears by “suggesting” to your body what it needs to accomplish.

CBD oil and hemp oil are well-known for their wide variety of health advantages due to its role as a key modulator of the endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) regulates the majority of homeostatic activities in the body. It is thought to have an effect on our emotional state, emotions of hunger, pain, and fear, and is found mostly in the brain, neurological system, and immune system.

This adaptable endocannabinoid system employs two types of receptors: CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors can be found in the brain and neurological system, as well as in the majority of other organs in the human body, including the digestive tract.

The gut is at the heart of our being, both metaphorically and literally. We must consume food and drink water in order to stay alive and perform well. Both food and water are stopped in the intestines.

The unique link between our organs and the ECS aids in the maintenance of homeostasis. When the balance is upset, the endocannabinoid system releases messenger molecules that connect to cannabinoid receptors and restore the balance.

CBD, as previously stated, is an endocannabinoid system modulator, which means it can influence its function via both receptor-based and receptor-independent pathways.

While the FDA does not officially acknowledge CBD from the cannabis plant as a treatment for anything other than seizures, it is being used to treat a variety of problems, including constipation.

Can CBD Oil Make You Constipated?

Constipation is a fairly rare adverse effect of CBD oil; thus, it hasn’t been thoroughly researched by researchers. Early research and customer reports indicate that certain forms of CBD that travel through the digestive tract, such as oils and edibles, can cause constipation. However, this is most likely due to their added chemicals rather than the CBD itself.

In fact, excessive CBD oil consumption has been related to the reverse. Extremely high doses of CBD taken on a daily basis can cause diarrhea due to the increased intake of the oil in which the CBD is suspended.

Is CBD Oil a Reliable Treatment for Constipation?

Although there hasn’t been much research directly linking CBD and constipation, current evidence suggests that CBD can help with the underlying causes of this bothersome condition.

CBD from medicinal cannabis sativa plant can help you ease swollen veins, stomach pain, inflammation, and maintain regular bowel movements by lowering inflammation and controlling the activity of the endocannabinoid system. CBD oil may be used not just to treat constipation but also as a preventative supplement.